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Przypominamy, że na stronie Fakturowo.pl dostępna jest nowa wersja serwisu Efaktury.org, serwis Efaktury.org będzie działał cały czas równolegle z serwisem Fakturowo.pl, więcej informacji na stronie Fakturowo.pl! W serwisie Fakturowo.pl dostępna jest integracja z systemem KSeF oraz obsługa plików JPK. Zachęcamy do rejestracji konta - rejestracja konta w Fakturowo.pl jest bezpłatna i do niczego nie zobowiązuje!


Polska wersjaEnglish version

Efaktury.org service has been created for everyone looking for a simple invoicing programme, who value their time and comfort. We provide you with a service that enables you creating almost any kind of document. Using our site without registering an account is free. After registering an account, we offer 100 days free testing our site. If you decide to extend the validity of your subscription then price is 80 PLN per 365 days. If the validity of subscription will not be renewed, account is removed and does not charge any fee. Click here to read the opinions of our customers or click here to find out more about our website. Start creating your invoices online, saving time and money.

Current document Number  Date of issue 
SignPlace of issue
Additional comments
 Postal code 
 Postal code 
 No  Name of goods or service  Unit  Quantity  Unit net price  Total net price  VAT rate  VAT amount  Total gross price 
Total due 
Method of payment 
Due date 
Account number 
VAT account number 

Sending a message

Registered users can send a message along with the PDF document to the specified email address. Email address of the sender is the same as the address used for registration in our service (you can change it on Account page). Two addresses of the recipient can be entered but they have to be separated by a comma.

Invoicing programme on-line

Efaktury.org enables you fast, easily and for free to create different kinds of invoices: invoice, invoice (former bill), corrective invoice, pro forma invoice, advance invoice, final invoice, departmental invoice, invoice margin, simplified invoice, invoice cash method, collective invoice, invoice RR, bill, internal evidence, goods issue note, goods receipt note, external release, external release (only quantity), internal release, debit note, credit note, correction note, collective correction note, internal note, interest note, request for payment, request for payment and interest, receipt, proof of payment, accept cash, proof of delivery, proof of delivery (only quantity), order form, commercial offer, cost estimate. Documents can be created on any computer connected to the Internet wherever you are. You don't have to install any programme on your hard drive all you need is a browser. After registering and taking out subscription, you are given full access to options such as saving invoices, contracting parties, products and services, defining set values and adding graphic images (for example the logo of your company) which can automatically be placed as the headline of your documents. Click here to find out more.

Pre court request for payment

It is quite frequent that a person or a company does not pay their liabilities. In case the due date has passed, you can request the payment of liabilities. Notes interest and demand for payment (with or without interest) create online for free on our website.

Interesting articles to read
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